Check out this week's Mil/Aero Newsletter.
September 17, 2024 

The Government Circuit: News on Defense Electronics, Europe, and Sustainability

Chris Mitchell

September in the United States is the season for back-to-school and football. In the arena of government policy advocacy, it’s the season for election campaigning and wrapping up the work of the current session of Congress. This month, there will be a flurry of efforts in Congress by legislators to complete action on “must-do” legislation, especially spending plans for FY25, which begins Oct. 1. In October, there will be a recess for the home stretch of the campaign; in November and December, there will be one more round of policy action by the “lame duck” office holders before the new U.S. government takes office in January. Now is the time for us to try and get those ducks in a row.

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NASA, GE Aerospace Advancing Hybrid-Electric Airliners with HyTEC


NASA is working in tandem with industry partner GE Aerospace on designing and building just such an engine, one that burns much less fuel by including new components to help electrically power the engine.

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IPC Releases Newest List of Standards Updates, Revisions

IPC Community Editorial Team

Each quarter, IPC releases a list of standards that are new or have been updated. To view a complete list of newly published standards and standards revisions, translations, proposed standards for ballot, final drafts for industry review, working drafts, and project approvals, visit These are the latest releases for Q3 2024.

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tec-thermal: High-Performance IMS Material Technology - Designed for the world’s most thermally demanding PCB applications - Automotive, medical, industrial, aerospace & military manufacturers rely on Ventec for the latest advances in IMS materials that deliver an exceptional thermal performance, reliability and quality through their established ceramic-filled halogen-free dielectric technology. With tec-thermal, Ventec offers the most comprehensive range of thermally conductive materials with the widest choice of dielectric thicknesses and dielectric thermal conductivity. Learn more.


Military and Aerospace Electronics News
This Month's Jobs
Global PCB Commodity Expert

We partner with the world’s leading brands to bring advanced and innovative products to the market. Our expertise spans every stage of product development—from design to manufacturing and after-market services—and is powered by over 27,000 employees in more than 40 locations in Asia, North America, and Europe...

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PCB Manufacturing Technician

Join the Team at Accurate Circuit Engineering!

Located in Santa Ana, California, Accurate Circuit Engineering (ACE) delivers high-quality PCB solutions with a focus on innovation and precision...

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