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September 20, 2024 

I-Connect007 Editor’s Choice: Five Must-Reads for the Week

Andy Shaughnessy, I-Connect007

It’s been a busy week in the world of PCB design and manufacturing. In this week’s roundup, there’s a little bit of everything. We have a look at PCB technology of tomorrow, an interview with an engineer who designs both PCBs and ICs, and government relations news from Washington, D.C. We also have an article on dispensing technology, and a final installment of our podcast on “designing for reality.”

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Industry News


Elementary, Mr. Watson: The Paradigm Shift of Silicon-to-System Design

John Watson, Palomar College

Imagine you were asked to build a city. What approach would you take? In the old way, city planners designed each building independently. They focused on making each building strong, aesthetically pleasing, and valuable. But they didn't always consider how all the buildings would fit together in the city. Roads, power lines, and parks were added later, sometimes making the city confusing or complicated to get around.

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Create Realistic Designs and Advance Your Skills - Creating a robust and manufacturable PCB design requires paying close attention to numerous details. There are many unwritten rules, best practice techniques, and design requirements that vary by manufacturer. In The Printed Circuit Designer’s Guide to… Designing for Reality, author Matt Stevenson reveals how these often-subtle factors enable designers to create realistic board designs that will take their skills from novice to advanced.  Download now.

The Government Circuit: News on Defense Electronics, Europe, and Sustainability

Chris Mitchell, IPC

September in the United States is the season for back-to-school and football. In the arena of government policy advocacy, it’s the season for election campaigning and wrapping up the work of the current session of Congress. This month, there will be a flurry of efforts in Congress by legislators to complete action on “must-do” legislation, especially spending plans for FY25, which begins Oct. 1. In October, there will be a recess for the home stretch of the campaign; in November and December, there will be one more round of policy action by the “lame duck” office holders before the new U.S. government takes office in January. Now is the time for us to try and get those ducks in a row.

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Are you making the most of your inspection data? - For companies looking to succeed in Industry 4.0—and even beyond, as we drive toward manufacturing autonomy—you will need solutions that can combine domain expertise in optical inspection (vision and software) with the ability to connect to larger systems and contribute to process improvement utilizing tools like artificial intelligence. Readers of The Printed Circuit Assembler’s Guide to SMT Inspection: Today, Tomorrow and Beyond will learn how data-driven analytics can be used to overcome production challenges and enable a smarter factory. Download this latest book in the peer-reviewed I-007eBook series.

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